Find the Lesser Known

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How to Travel with Good Intention: 6 Travel Resolutions for 2021

It’s a new year, and it is time to think about how I want to spend it. Travel resolutions are the perfect way to frame your upcoming travel plans. When I was younger I thought you had to make your resolutions on or before the New Year. Now, I have a more “feel it out” approach. I let the new year arrive, and I see how it feels. What do I need this year? Well, after 2020 and a tumultuous start to 2021 I had some clear Travel Resolutions to make. 

My Travel Resolutions

  1. Do no harm. My number one resolution this year is to keep my travel from negatively impacting the communities I visit as well as my community. I neither want to bring COVID to a community without resources or bring COVID home to my community. Additionally, I am not going to visit any place that is already overburdened by their community. You can read more about my thought process on that here.
  2. Support the groups that represent the ideals I support. I want to promote and support Black owned businesses. I want to support women owned businesses. I want to support groups like BLM, Cascade Bicycling Club, and JDRF.
  3. Connect with those I love. For over a year I have been distancing from the people I cherish most. I want to use my travel to invite the people I have missed the most to reconnect and create new memories.
  4. Be active. I don’t know about you… But I definitely have gained the COVID 19. Being stuck in the house, working hard, and no longer having a gym available has been a perfect storm for a more sedentary lifestyle. I am going to promote and participate in more active forms of travel. Bikes, hikes, and walks.
  5. Go big or go home. This year is my year of travel. I have been trapped in my house with Dave, and we are looking to go big! 
  6. When in question return to number one.

The overarching theme of these resolutions is: bring good intention. While I am one person I want to support the ideals I believe in while I am traveling, wherever I may go. 


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10 thoughts on “How to Travel with Good Intention: 6 Travel Resolutions for 2021”

  1. Pingback: Ethical Travel in a Pandemic: 2 Basic Principles - Find the Lesser Known

  2. Pingback: Tears of Freedom: Planning Our First Trip of 2021 | Find the Lesser Known

  3. I can’t wait to travel again, but I agree. I don’t want to put more people, especially in countries with less capacity and infrastructure than the United States (where I live), at a greater risk of covid exposure. Sticking to occasional local outdoor travel for now.

  4. I do like your travel resolutions – When I leased out my house in 2018 to travel the world, I had no clue that a pandemic would nix a lot of that…
    The house is still leased; I’m back in New Mexico; I’m homeless! But luckily, I have friends – what a mess. If we can manage it, I also plan to travel big when US citizens can go to Europe. First off, I’ve gotta go squeeze the grandies in Germany!

  5. this gave me a lot to think about, as we start to travel again. i too want to go big in 2021, but definitely in a way that does no harm.

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